We develop Add-Ons for Atlassian Confluence.

Atlassian Mar­ket­placeCont­act

Our Confluence Add-Ons

Content Rating for Confluence Logo

Content Rating for Confluence

The Con­tent Rating Add-On for Confluence allows your rea­ders to rate your pages or blog posts using cus­to­mizable cri­te­ria. Aut­hor get con­cre­te feed­back and can opti­mi­ze their con­tent. The over­all qua­li­ty of your wiki will impro­ve over time.
Image Galleries and Sliders for Confluence Logo

Image Galleries and Sliders for Confluence

The Image Gal­le­ries Add-On for Confluence from Atlassian allows you to pre­sent your atta­ched images even bet­ter using some han­dy macros. Gal­le­ries can be shown like grid, column, carou­sel slider, accor­di­on slider or a befo­re after comparison.
Label Suggester for Confluence Logo

Label Suggester for Confluence

The Label Sug­ges­ter add-on for Atlassian Confluence gene­ra­tes label sug­ges­ti­ons for pages and blog posts based on your con­tent. Mul­ti­ple fac­tors, like titles, hyper­links or other high­ligh­ted text ele­ments are con­side­red. For Eng­lish and Ger­man con­tents natu­ral lan­guage pro­ces­sing is used to make more accu­ra­te suggestions.

Font Icons for Confluence Logo

Font Icons for Confluence

Using the Font Icons Add-On for Confluence you can choo­se from many dif­fe­rent icons. Use descrip­ti­ve icons to bet­ter visua­li­ze and pre­sent your content.




Translate for Confluence Logo

Translate for Confluence

Using Trans­la­te for Confluence you can easi­ly loca­li­ze text from Confluence and your Add-Ons.

Atlassian Verified

We are not Atlassian Veri­fied but we archi­ved all goals.

Plea­se see the fol­lo­wing table for our cur­rent status.


Requi­re­ment Details
Sell at least one paid via Atlassian add-on Yes, we curr­ent­ly offer 6 paid add-ons.
Your paid via Atlassian add-on ver­si­ons are instal­led in at least 500 acti­ve instances

Yes we archi­ved that goal.

Pro­vi­de docu­men­ta­ti­on for all paid via Atlassian add-ons Yes, see spe­ci­fic add-ons for link.
Pro­vi­de a sup­port URL for all paid via Atlassian add-ons Yes, we have a gene­ral form for sup­port requests.
Offer sup­port at least 8 hours a day, 5 days a week in your local time zone for all paid via Atlassian add-ons Yes, feel free to cont­act us within our nor­mal office hours (GMT+1).
Publish and adhe­re to an SLA statement Yes, you will find this behind the fol­lo­wing link Ser­vice Level Agree­ment.
Use an issue tra­cker like JIRA to resol­ve and track cus­to­mer-repor­ted bugs and fea­ture requests, for all paid via Atlassian add-ons We use a Git­lab for issue track­ing, source con­trol… . Acces for exter­nals can be gran­ted on request.
Pro­vi­de Atlassian with 24/7 emer­gen­cy cont­act information Yes.
Your site, Mar­ket­place lis­ting, and sup­port docu­men­ta­ti­on is available in English Yes.


Last modi­fied: 21 May 2019


What can we do for you?

Plea­se pro­vi­de us infor­ma­ti­ons about con­text whe­re the pro­blem occurs. e.g. con­tent tools under space configuration