Content Rating for Confluence

The Content Rating Add-On boosts quality of content with better feedback from readers for authors.

The Con­tent Rating Add-On for Confluence allows your rea­ders to rate your pages or blog posts using cus­to­mizable cri­te­ria. Aut­hor get con­cre­te feed­back and can opti­mi­ze their con­tent. The over­all qua­li­ty of your wiki will impro­ve over time.

Why an alternative?

Like Button

Just an on off but­ton doesn’t give enough feed­back on what might be impro­ved within the aut­hors content.

Star Rating

Stars alre­a­dy pro­vi­de a simp­le dif­fe­ren­tia­ti­on, but most­ly just in 5 steps and only for one criterion.


Comm­ents allow sin­gle users to give con­cre­te feed­back for spe­ci­fic con­tent parts, but don’t allow to quick­ly get an avera­ge rating for spe­ci­fic critera.

What will be changed?


Thanks to ratings in mul­ti­ple cri­te­ria aut­hors get con­cre­te feed­back. Through this they also get more awa­re of their con­tents qua­li­ty and can impro­ve it.


Con­stant impro­ve­ment will lead to more accu­ra­te and qua­li­fied con­tent of your enti­re wiki.


A hig­her qua­li­ty of your con­tent helps to sim­pli­fy and impro­ve the know­ledge trans­fer within your company.


Genaueres Feedback

Qualified Feedback

Use mul­ti­ple cri­te­ri­as to let users give aut­hor feed­back. Aut­hors gain awa­re­ness of what is miss­ing and the­r­e­fo­re can opti­mi­ze their con­tents. The over­all qua­li­ty of your con­tent will be impro­ved over time..
Genaueres Feedback

Customizable Criteria

Stay with the default rating cri­te­ria (Per­spi­cui­ty, Signi­fi­can­ce and Struc­tu­re) or crea­te your own spe­ci­fic ones. For every cri­ter­ion you can defi­ne title, descrip­ti­on, order and sel­ect a Font Awe­so­me icon.
Genaueres Feedback

Seamless Integrated Modes

The rating modes (Togg­le, Knob and Togg­le Small) adopt the color sche­me of the cur­rent space. The rating cri­te­ria of your sel­ec­ted mode is seam­less inte­gra­ted within pages or blog posts.

What can we do for you?

Plea­se pro­vi­de us infor­ma­ti­ons about con­text whe­re the pro­blem occurs. e.g. con­tent tools under space configuration