Translate für Confluence

Using Trans­la­te for Confluence you can easi­ly loca­li­ze text from Confluence and your Add-Ons.


The Trans­la­te for Con­fluenc Add-On curr­ent­ly sup­ports the fol­lo­wing fea­tures Don’t hesi­ta­te to cont­act us, if you are miss­ing a gal­lery or other feature.

Alre­a­dy Available

  • Coll­ect available translations
  • Pro­vi­de miss­ing translations
  • Over­wri­te exis­ting translations
  • Add users als translaters


  • Defi­ne “trans­la­tors” for spe­ci­fic languages
  • Fea­tures for con­tent translation
  • Import/Export for easy sha­ring or pro­fes­sio­nal translations
  • Trans­la­ti­on suggestions
  • Auto­ma­tic scan­ning of instal­led add-ons
  • What do you want?

Was können wir für Sie tun?