End-User License Agreement (EULA)

This End-User Licen­se Agree­ment (“EULA”) is a legal agree­ment bet­ween you and MOEWE GbR – Adri­an Mör­chen, Mar­kus Weigelt

This EULA agree­ment governs your acqui­si­ti­on and use of our soft­ware (“Soft­ware”) direct­ly from MOEWE GbR – Adri­an Mör­chen, Mar­kus Wei­gelt or indi­rect­ly through a MOEWE GbR – Adri­an Mör­chen, Mar­kus Wei­gelt aut­ho­ri­zed resel­ler or dis­tri­bu­tor (a “Resel­ler”).

Plea­se read this EULA agree­ment careful­ly befo­re com­ple­ting the instal­la­ti­on pro­cess and using the soft­ware. It pro­vi­des a licen­se to use the soft­ware and con­ta­ins war­ran­ty infor­ma­ti­on and lia­bi­li­ty disclaimers.

If you regis­ter for a free tri­al of the soft­ware, this EULA agree­ment will also govern that tri­al. By cli­cking “accept” or instal­ling and/or using the soft­ware, you are con­fir­ming your accep­tance of the Soft­ware and agre­e­ing to beco­me bound by the terms of this EULA agreement.

If you are ente­ring into this EULA agree­ment on behalf of a com­pa­ny or other legal enti­ty, you repre­sent that you have the aut­ho­ri­ty to bind such enti­ty and its affi­lia­tes to the­se terms and con­di­ti­ons. If you do not have such aut­ho­ri­ty or if you do not agree with the terms and con­di­ti­ons of this EULA agree­ment, do not install or use the Soft­ware, and you must not accept this EULA agreement.

This EULA agree­ment shall app­ly only to the Soft­ware sup­pli­ed by MOEWE GbR – Adri­an Mör­chen, Mar­kus Wei­gelt here­wi­th regard­less of whe­ther other soft­ware is refer­red to or descri­bed her­ein. The terms also app­ly to any MOEWE GbR – Adri­an Mör­chen, Mar­kus Wei­gelt updates, sup­ple­ments, Inter­net-based ser­vices, and sup­port ser­vices for the Soft­ware, unless other terms accom­pa­ny tho­se items on deli­very. If so, tho­se terms apply.



The Licen­sor’s stan­dard soft­ware pro­ducts. Its main tech­ni­cal fea­tures are descri­bed at https://marketplace.atlassian.com/vendors/1211995/moewe. The Soft­ware is an add-on to an Atlassian Soft­ware (for details, see the tech­ni­cal description) 

License Grant

MOEWE GbR – Adri­an Mör­chen, Mar­kus Wei­gelt her­eby grants you a per­so­nal, non-trans­fera­ble, non-exclu­si­ve licence to use the soft­ware on your devices in accordance with the terms of this EULA agreement.

You are per­mit­ted to load the soft­ware (for exam­p­le a PC, lap­top, mobi­le or tablet) under your con­trol. You are respon­si­ble for ensu­ring your device meets the mini­mum requi­re­ments of the software.

You are not per­mit­ted to:

  • Edit, alter, modi­fy, adapt, trans­la­te or other­wi­se chan­ge the who­le or any part of the Soft­ware nor per­mit the who­le or any part of the Soft­ware to be com­bi­ned with or beco­me incor­po­ra­ted in any other soft­ware, nor decom­pi­le, dis­as­sem­ble or rever­se engi­neer the Soft­ware or attempt to do any such things
  • Repro­du­ce, copy, dis­tri­bu­te, resell or other­wi­se use the Soft­ware for any com­mer­cial purpose
  • Allow any third par­ty to use the Soft­ware on behalf of or for the bene­fit of any third party
  • Use the Soft­ware in any way which brea­ches any appli­ca­ble local, natio­nal or inter­na­tio­nal law
  • use the Soft­ware for any pur­po­se that MOEWE GbR – Adri­an Mör­chen, Mar­kus Wei­gelt con­siders is a breach of this EULA agreement

Intellectual Property and Ownership

MOEWE GbR – Adri­an Mör­chen, Mar­kus Wei­gelt shall at all times retain owner­ship of the Soft­ware as ori­gi­nal­ly down­loa­ded by you and all sub­se­quent down­loads of the Soft­ware by you. The Soft­ware (and the copy­right, and other intellec­tu­al pro­per­ty rights of wha­te­ver natu­re in the Soft­ware, inclu­ding any modi­fi­ca­ti­ons made the­re­to) are and shall remain the pro­per­ty of MOEWE GbR – Adri­an Mör­chen, Mar­kus Weigelt.

MOEWE GbR – Adri­an Mör­chen, Mar­kus Wei­gelt reser­ves the right to grant licen­ces to use the Soft­ware to third parties.


This EULA agree­ment is effec­ti­ve from the date you first use the Soft­ware and shall con­ti­nue until ter­mi­na­ted. You may ter­mi­na­te it at any time upon writ­ten noti­ce to MOEWE GbR – Adri­an Mör­chen, Mar­kus Weigelt.

It will also ter­mi­na­te imme­dia­te­ly if you fail to com­ply with any term of this EULA agree­ment. Upon such ter­mi­na­ti­on, the licen­ses gran­ted by this EULA agree­ment will imme­dia­te­ly ter­mi­na­te and you agree to stop all access and use of the Soft­ware. The pro­vi­si­ons that by their natu­re con­ti­nue and sur­vi­ve will sur­vi­ve any ter­mi­na­ti­on of this EULA agreement.

Governing Law

This EULA agree­ment, and any dis­pu­te ari­sing out of or in con­nec­tion with this EULA agree­ment, shall be gover­ned by and con­strued in accordance with the laws of de.